Helpful Pattern Drafting Resources

My Journey into Pattern Drafting

I often get asked to recommend resources that have helped me with pattern drafting and to be honest my biggest resource has always been my willingness to experiment. Of course, books, websites and videos can help, but once you know the basics, it’s really up to you to push boundaries by, for example, drafting your own designs.

I have probably failed more times than I’ve succeeded; either something doesn’t fit or it looks weird once sewn together, but the trick is to persevere and don’t become disheartened. It took literally a million attempts before I got the strapless bodice right and the journey was pretty frustrating but I got there in the end and it was worth it.

I don’t really watch YouTube tutorials on pattern on account of not wanting to unintentionally copy someone and jeopardise my uniqueness in the process. Of course, it’s good to have influences but becoming a clone of someone else isn’t going to look too great. There are, however, many people who teach pattern drafting on YouTube, so with a quick search and you should be able find what you’re looking for.

Terms worth searching for on YouTube:

For me, it’s mostly books, webpages or staring at a ready-made garment until I figure out its pattern structure.

Books are great though, they’re not as hands-on as videos but I can recommend:

Pattern Drafting
Sewing Techniques
  • The Sewing Book by Alison Smith – I love this book. It’s so comprehensive. It uses pictures rather than words to convey instructions so I wouldn’t recommend it to absolute beginners.

YouTubers I recommend:

Pattern Drafting
  • Me (duh) – My approach is to get everything into one video as quickly, but as comprehensive as possible.
Sewing Techniques

Websites I’ve found helpful:

Doing a general Google search can usually get you what you want, especially when using Google Images in conjunction to the web search.

  • Moldes Moda por Medida – This is one website I would recommend for those looking for a quick visual on how to draft certain styles, especially if you have a good grasp of pattern drafting.

This list probably isn’t as long as I’d like it to be, but as I progress I will try and update it with other resources I have found useful, I am also open to your suggestions; if there are any books, websites, videos or anything else that have helped you, please share.

Check back every six months or so to see if I’ve added anything new.

Don’t forget I’m also available to answer questions, so please use me!

Good luck!

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